Personalised Handwritten Greeting Card Message
We offer personalised handwritten greeting card messages upon request. Messages are written in English only and without accent characters (with the exception of apostrophes only). Add on this chargeable handwritten service by filling out the the box below.
Please note, the handwritten message style and type is as seen in the photo displayed. All handwritten services automatically require tracked shipping, which will be seen at the checkout.
Please enter your desired message or the traditional method: 1. Title, (i.e Dear ***, To***), 2. Main message, 3. Sign off (i.e Love from***, From ***).
On personalised handwritten message orders, we offer tracked and special delivery services only at a fee. All handwritten services automatically require tracked shipping, which will be seen at the checkout.
Should you have any queries or require assistance with your order, please contact our Customer Services Team.
Contact Us
For any queries or additional information on personalised messages, or any other questions please use the contact form and select your subject.
We aim to respond within 48 hours. Alternatively, if you wish to speak with us, please call on:+44 020 3086 7019.
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